Cercle d'Energie | Treatments
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Reiki according to Mikao Usui is a soft Japanese healing method, where universal life energy activates the self healing forces of your body.

Reiki was re-discovered at the beginning of the previous century by the Japanese Dr. Mikao Usui and since then has spread all over the world. Rei means mind/ soul and Ki means energy and vital force. Reiki stands for holistic and unlimited life energy.

The spine is the axe of the human body and connected to the control centres, the nervous centre, the glands and the organs. It serves as main backup/pillar and is responsible for the physical and spiritual health. The correct alignment of the spine is the base for a healthy body and life.

It’s a powerful and effective energy treatment (Reiki and spiritual healing) with activation of the self healing process and strengthening of your healing potential for acute physical pain and emotional or mental distress.

As we are all energetically connected, distant healing is immediately effective without any time difference, not bound to space nor time limits and works over thousands of kilometres, wherever you are.

What is healing with the angels and how can it help you?
Therapy with angels is a special way of spiritual healing , where I connect with the angels and the divine source and act as a mediator in this communication and inform you about the light infused and healing answers sent from Heaven.
What is healing with the angels and how can it help you?
Therapy with angels is a special way of spiritual healing , where I connect with the angels and the divine source and act as a mediator in this communication and inform you about the light infused and healing answers sent from Heaven.

Every day we are exposed to a high amount of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, computers, TV, electronic appliances, WLAN, floor heating, microwave, and also environmental pollutants like varnishes and coatings, chemicals, glues, pesticides, etc. All these poisons affect our health and result in insomnia, lack of energy, depression, anxiety, concentration disturbances.

During the energy cleaning, harmful energies are converted and neutralized into low frequencies, but do now not affect your health any more.