Children Workshop
Spiritual awakening for children (age 4 to 8)
The children of the new generation are born on a higher vibration level and don’t fit into the classic and traditional way of functioning. In this workshop, they will learn in an easy and playful way a new approach to handle their family and school environment as well as their own energy in order to get more confidence and to accept that their sensibility is a gift. Easy exercises will help to balance their energy in the daily life.
- Petite méditation de relaxation
- Explication du concept boomerang (la loi d’attraction)
- Comprendre comment l’ange gardien et les autres anges aident dans le quotidien
- Les cristaux, plus que seulement des pierres précieuses
- Dessine ton propre mandala
- La boîte de vœux
- Des exercices pour le quotidien: Ancrage, protection contre les ondes et énergies négatifs
- Comment se connecter avec les animaux et la nature
- Astuces pour mieux s’endormir
Details for the upcoming workshops
Time: 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Adress: 10 Corniche d'Or, 06590 Théoule sur Mer
Reservation: Deposit payment 15€